Snip the Seams
Allison Grayhurst
Snip the seams
Snip the cord
Snip the line
Denial is suffering
under the veil of false
The wound is the womb,
the low-road and the high shore-line.
Snip all means of flight,
all laws and inhibitions.
Shapes made are never final,
words too, alter meaning.
Look and snip
the draining pipe, the solid memory.
The way you were sure was open
but never was, snip
and be done with it.
Why the painter who cannot paint, hot days
in global-warming winter,
the bird bath with a hole?
Scissor-queen, wire-cutter machine, bow
to the bitter land before you, make peace
with the locking tide. Snip
the pictures from the walls,
the broken limb from the rest of the body.
Try it on. Wear it before a mirror, into a crowd.
Pass over the keys.
Allison Grayhurst
Allison Grayhurst is a member of the League of Canadian Poets. Five times nominated for “Best of the Net”, 2015/2017/2018, she has over 1200 poems published in over 475 international journals and anthologies. She has 21 published books of poetry, six collections and six chapbooks. She lives in Toronto with her family.